Love fails, only when we fail to love...
Wednesday, February 28, 2007


    aRts + crAfts

  1. comprises a whole host of activities and hobbies that are related to making things with one's own hands and skill.
  2. can be sub-divided into handicrafts or "traditional crafts" (doing things the old way) and the rest.
  3. somE crafts have been practiced for centuries, while others are modern inventions, or popularisations of crafts which were originally practiced in a very small geographic area.
  4. m0st crafts require a combination of skill, speed, and patience, but they can also be learnt on a more basic level by virtually anyone.
  5. implies more of a 'hobby' pursuit and a demonstration/perfection of a creative technique..

  6. also known as craftwork or simply 'craft'
  7. a type of work where useful and decorative devices are made completely by hand or using only simple tools.
  8. usualLy the term is applied to traditional means of making goods.
  9. generally considered more traditional work, created as a necessary part of daily life..
    artS.craFts: LIST of TYPES

  10. crafTs inv0lving textiles
  11. crAfts involviNg wood, metal or clay
  12. craftS invoLving paper or canvas
  13. craFts involVing plants
    artS*craFts: TYPES:

  14. crafts inv0lving tExtiles ~ a type 0f craft wherein any type of material made from fibers or other extended linear materials such as thread or yarn are being used.
  15. craFts inv0lving w0od, metaL or clAy ~ a typE of craft wherein w0od, metAl, 0r clay is being used in making things.(artwork)
  16. craftS invoLving papEr or canvas ~ a type 0f craft wherein either paper or canvas is being used in craft-making.
  17. cRafts involviNg pLants ~ a typE of crafT wHerein plants are used in craft-making.
    arts^crafts: TYP3S:

  18. banner-makiNg
  19. knittiNG
  20. quilting

    w0od, metaL or clAy
  21. p0ttery
  22. metAlw0rking
  23. mArquetry

    papEr or caNvas
  24. calLigrapHy
  25. scrapb0oking
  26. quilLing

  27. baskEt weaviNg
  28. c0rn dolLy making
  29. straw marquEtry

    0ther craftS
  30. EtcHing
  31. stainEd glAss
  32. m0saics

wikipediA:arts and crafts

by tHe wAy... I just wanna say,



she told the story ... 7:16 PM

Monday, February 26, 2007

waah.. I haven't post anything new since vaLentine's day.. hmm.. ??? anyways, this day has been tiring.. t0talLy!! I went to my dentist for an appointment early this mornig.. then, I hurriedly went to school because for our meeting(group pr0ject --> magazine).. Instead of going to tumaga, I went to La Purisima campus thinking that our meeting would be held there.. arrghh.. besides, I read 'his' text message late already, that's why I didn't know much about the said meeting.. worse, I tried to reply but guess what..?! cp alert message=SENDING MESSAGE FAILED: MESSAGE BARRED *sigh* But still, when I reached La purisima, I had a chance to buy some load.. :] Thank God..

My m0ther(still very patient..:]) brought me to school(tumaga) but we had to stopped 'somewhere' to buy s0me sack of rice, but we weren't able to buy 'coz the 'brand' my m0m was looking for wasn't on stock.. haha.. s0 we just went back to the car.. Moving on.. I reached school late, seeing my other groupmates from afar already starting(meeting).. I said g0odbye to my m0m, and went to my groupmates who were in the groundfl0or lobby..

We discussed about the lay-out, and other things needed to be discussed.. After a very?? short meeting, we had a semi-pictorial, as I consider it.. *giggles* Why? well because we spent the rest of our time taking pictures.. well, it was fine because it's for the mag anyways.. :] Hmm.. what else?? Ah, after that, we were just reminded t0 finish what we were assigned to do.. write articles, and the like.. When our 'meeting' was over, one of our groupmates was fetched while the rest of us sort of argued where to eat f0r lunch.. besides, it was already past 12.. s0me of us decided to go to 'JolLibee'(Yubenco branch) while the rest of them stayed, and I guess just bought s0me food in one of the stores outside the campus.. They didn't want to come with us because they were involved in a play and I guess they had their general rehearsal this day.. *???* the play will be presented within this week and the st0ry was adapted from a l0cal movie.. the play is entitled, "Sa Puso ng Bata".. I hope it's a play to watch f0r..

After eating, we went 'window shopping'.. It was my first time in Yubenco, so the surr0undings were definitely unfamiliar to me, but still, I enjoyed the company of my classmates..:] (M&D=thanks!) wh0a.. after that, I was so tired, and we decided to go home already.. when I reached home, I babysat my 'baby' cousin the rest 0f the aftern0on.. He was sooo naughty(he's f0rtunate because I ♥ him very much..), and he even wanted me to carry his mini-bike wherever he decides to play with it.. waaaah. He even played inside our car, wherein he was the driver, and I was his 'passenger'.. Kids.. It was a relief when he already wanted to go home.. yippee!! Thank y0u Lord.. :]

After all 0f these, I ended up sitting here in front of the screen, about to end this p0st.. :] take care ever0ne!! G0D BLESS!


she told the story ... 5:40 PM

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"Happy vaLentine's day!!" "hAppy vdAy.."
"Happy hEart's day!"

These are just some of the normal greetings y0u usually receive fr0m friends, family, and the like.. F0r lovers a simple, "I Love You..", w0uld c0mplete their day, especially when you kn0w they are sincere. February -- a month of L0vE, as they would often consider, is a very special month especially for people who are "in love" or in a relationship.. Because it is already very customary that during this month, L0vE is m0re emphasized and this is the time where c0uples usually spend their time together while they fall in love with themselves all 0ver again..(welL, s0mewhat likethat..:D) Love is in the air during this month, you c0uld really sense it(at least for some..:]), and most people spend their time thinking of ways just to be with their l0ve-ones or take time think of s0mething as a gift for their l0ve-one..(partners??)

To wh0m we would consider out of love, heart br0ken, or left 0ut, s0me of them would rather f0cus their time on other things that would keep their minds busy fr0m 'stuffs', while s0me would go out with their friends and just hang-out(chilL), to get over the feeling, and still, s0me would rather be alonE than to be with s0meone.. They would just stay at home, watch tv, surf the web, or maybe just lock themselves up in their r0om..(exaggeration needed..?p) Whatever we d0, we all need or thirst f0r love.. It's practically normal f0r us because it's our imperfection -- we cannot live alone and s0me things are just not enough.. This is why God created man and w0man, so that they would take care of each other and so that they t0gether, would be the steward of His creations here on earth.

Moving along.. This day has been great. I am pr0ud of my best friend(guy) because he did what we all have long awaited for him to do. To actually talk, and walk along with the girl of his LIFE.. He actually gave flowers while meeting her in the third floor balcony of the HS Building. Most of us(especially girls) were like tingling with excitement? because of what we saw..(corny..?!) They were great t0gether. I really hope this would continue and that their relationship would gr0w and bec0me even str0nger.. welL, I guess there were others too who spent their afternoon together, besides, t0day we f0llowed schedule B, meaning, all subjects in the morning, and there would be no classes in the afternoon..(date? hmm..) Moving further.. It doesn't matter if they went for a date or what as long as they enjoyed each others company, and their happy, pr0vided that they didn't do anything wr0ng.. There's nothing wr0ng, especially when their serious with their relationship..

February 14 -- comes only once a year, this is why I hope that we should always do the best out of this day.. Being in love is not bad, it's even great and worth to be pr0ud of because it only shows that we greatly appreciate others and that we care f0r them. Let's enjoy life and have fun! There are still a lot of things worth to be happy f0r.. It doesn't mean your single, you can't enjoy Valentine's Day.. This day is not only for couples but also for family and friends.. I mean, keep in mind, Love is universal.. n0 one is exempted, all of us are deserving to be l0ved, and l0ve is what we sh0uld always give in return..

Happy Valentine's Day to Every0ne.. GOD BLESS!!

♥ lonelyfooL_mutE>>

she told the story ... 8:47 PM

Saturday, February 10, 2007

I woke up late this morning, around 10:45 am.. I was so exhausted for sleeping very late last night because we had our Bible Study(I was the youngest among the group), wherein I learned a lot from our discussions. I rushed in going out of my bed because all of a sudden, I realized that I was already reaalllyy LATE for our outreach program, and pictorial for our class magazine, a project for Composition Class.. This day was so hectic.. I had a closed schedule for the entire day..?!! My classmates and I were supposed to meet in school for the said pictorial("o0ohh, they're going to kilL me.."). I kept on rushing and I got really paranoid.. What irritated me the most is that there was NO ELECTRICITY.. arrgghh.. My mom wasn't at home, and my brother was STILL sleeping.. I thought of texting my classmate, but I found out that I forgot to charge my cellphone last night.

After several minutes, I thought of going to my aunt's place, finding my mom was there.. hmpf! The whole day, there was no electricity, meaning, n0 wateR.. I wasn't able to take a bath.. It was so warm, and I kept on perspiring.. I tried to go outside, but it was practically the same -- it was s0oo hotT! I spent my time baby-sitting my lil' cousin the whole afternoon, which was very tiring.. Good for me, because he kept me from worrying a LOT about 'things' by fooling around, and make me giggle.. I really wanted to go, I was even excited, but I really didn't have any other choice but not to.. Somehow, I enjoyed my family's company.. We talked about different things and we had a little fun of our own..

*sigh* I also wasn't able to see my dentist today.. I had an appointment with her yesterday, but I wasn't able to go because we can't leave the campus not until 4 pm.. We agreed during my last appointment, which was last week, that I would see her Friday afternoon(yesterday) because I told her it was the only available time I have. I thought that because we have a vacant period every Friday, I could see my dentist during this time of hour(the clinic closes around 5pm), but I forgot even if we had a vacant period, I couldn't leave the campus and I still have to wait until 4 pm to be able to go.. :c *sigh* This appointment was important because my dentist said that instead of replacing the rubber and adjusting my braces, she would already tighten my braces up using a continuous wire..(i guess.. i'm not sure with what i'm saying.. loL), and after a month, maybe she could already remove my braces and soon replace them with retainers.. :) Usually, I see her every 2 weeks, but last week(or was it the week before?), she told me to see her again the week after, which was this past week..(confusing.. never mind..) *hmm..* This day was sort of a bummer for me.. :c But I guess, it wasn't at all.. I remembered our topic last night during our Bible Study that God allows things to happen for a purpose, but he doesn't cause the troubles, He only allows them to happen so that our faith would endure.. He is the reason for everything..

"Their purpose is to prove that your faith is genuine. Even gold, which can be destroyed, is tested by fire; and so your faith, which is much more precious than gold, must also be tested, so that it may be endure. Then you will receive praise and honor on the Day when Jesus Christ is revealed."
~ 1 Peter 1:7

As a summary of our dicussion..

"We also boast of our troubles, because we know that trouble produces endurance, endurance brings God's aprroval, and His approval creates hope."
~ Romans 5:3-4

I realized that what I have learned last night was the same lesson I have learned during this day. I hope I would have the wisdom to remember this lessons in my everyday living.. Well, eventhough I wasn't able to go to school and attend the pictorial, I am really happy about the outcome.. My groupmates were really great, especially the photo to be used f0r the c0ver.. :] I'm so excited to work on the mag itself..

By the way, tomorrow would be ADZU HS's fAmily dAy, tomorrow would be filled with many surprises..(excited? not much..) I'll see y0u guys around with your sports wear.. m0torcadE!! loL.

♥l0nely f0ol..mutE>>

she told the story ... 9:01 PM

Thursday, February 8, 2007

"The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotations "
~ Benjamin Disraeli

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. "
~ Rudyard Kipling

she told the story ... 10:07 PM


  1. PatriciA Joy m. RonDario.
  2. tHey calL mE 'pAt'.. f0r some, ♥p0och, patriciA.. and mucH m0re.. *blaH *blaH *blaH, but my real nick is 'triciA'..
  3. Youngest of tw0 siblings. [bro!]
  4. 14 years of age + a year older every 20th of September.
  5. Sophomore.
  6. an Ogilvian.
  7. true-bLue Atenean. [adzU]
  8. certifieD 'SPS'.
  9. twisteD.
  10. living and l0ving..
~ having her friends' company
~ the number 07
~ tHE colors yelL0w & whitE..
~ her wonderful family
~ to be aLone??
~ ♥him. do i??
~ muziC and arts..

~ fly accross the sky.
~ have my family + friends around alL the time
~ to be happy
~ to acc0mplish my duties?!
~ meEt new friends..
~ 's0mething'

"My life's been shreDded into pieces.. c0mplicateD ever since."

scr01L >>>---->>>>>>>>


marK. isHa. tarci. feL. nineL. taL. franz. anj0. j0ycE.


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extras s0on.

February 2007
March 2007