Love fails, only when we fail to love...
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

at last! it's summer timE.. =] mabuti na lang at tapos na ang exams.. :] sec0nd year just passed.. i can't believe that another school year has ended.. i can still remember the first day of school last year.. awww.. i'm g0nna miss my classmates and friends.. :c t0morrow, "practicaL exams na lang.. sa pE." and summer is 0fficially startin'.. i h0pe matutuloy yung overnight... hah! finally! i can already use the c0mputer f0r as long as i want.. i can already watch tv as much as i like to.. haha.. i h0pe my summer would end up great.. gtg.. G0d Bless!! ♥0gilvie: next year ulit.. :] see y0u.


she told the story ... 2:15 PM

Monday, March 12, 2007

1st day of exams.. at last, d0ne! Math was okay, the exam was easier compared last quarter.. Social Studies was definitely hard.. :c and I thought Math was supp0sed to be that way.. hmm..? 2 days to go, summEr time.. g0odbye books, g0odbye h0mework! see y0u again next year(ogiLvie)!! :] after 2 months of vacati0n, another school year will begin.. welL, hello 'third year'.. :] ???

I h0pe third year would not be as dreadfuL as other people w0uld n0rmally say.. :c at least, I still have my classmates ar0und.. :] an0ther year f0r 'BayaniHan'..?? hmmm.. :p I will surely miss ogiLvie this summer.. :c OGILVIE: "thank y0u f0r such fun filled mem0ries.. and f0r w0rthwhile experiences t0o.. tHank y0u f0r always being there.. I will definitely miss y0u guys.." moving al0ng.. I'm sooo excited ab0ut our upcoming 0vernight.. I hope it will bring us cl0ser as friends, and as classmates.. :] *sigh I will surely miss Sir Mheng too.. :C sec0nd year wasn't that bad at alL.. I will surely miss my sec0nd year high school life..

I gotta go.. g0od lucK t0 every0ne wh0 will stilL have to take their examinati0ns!! 2 days to g0.. make the best out of it!! takE care.. :p G0d Bless!!


she told the story ... 3:05 PM

Thursday, March 8, 2007

just passing by.. argH.. stress, stress, and definitely m0re stress.. tHis week is just as tiring and stressful as usual, especially because the 4th quarter examination is fast appr0aching.. yey, summEr??!! the school year is ab0ut to end, i'm sure i'm g0nna miss a lot of people.. :c time flies s0 fast.. h0w i wisH it w0uld sl0w down just a little bit.. I wanna cherish every sec0nd of my lifE.. there's so many mem0ries to keep and w0rtH remembering.. :[ anyways, i h0pe next scho0l year, we'll still have fun mem0ries to cherish.. (ogiLVie..:]) *sigH* gotta g0.. I can't stay any l0nger.. G0d Bless! G0od lucK!!


she told the story ... 6:05 PM

Friday, March 2, 2007

g0od eve! just droppin' by to make some updates.. :p another tiring day f0r me.. as usual, but still, I enjoyed ??? watching selected freshmen and juniors dance a while ago.. especially the juniors.. ballro0m dancing was more of a thrill to watcH.. (oops..) most 0f them were really g0od in dancing.. really.. Next year, ballro0m dancing would be in our curriculum in PE.. ??! By the way, I'm glad because we didn't have a test in chemistry.. :] Actually, I was still confused about our t0pic.. I understood it with the help of my classmate/s (thanks!) just a while ago while waiting f0r our teacher.. Our teacher didn't show up, that's why our test was cancelled.. :p Even the remaining group reports were cancelled.. They still have plenty of time, to prepare more.. Going back, while we were already watching the juniors n' freshmen perform, after our third peri0d subject, I saw our teacher in cHEm watching the c0mpetition?? too.. 'sa may sec0nd fl0or.. all smiles pa,' I really thought she had a class in third year(during our period) or maybe she was absent 0r either busy with other important things.. anyways, it was fine f0r us.. in a way, yes.. :]

*sigh I really got tireD of making my project(picture frame) f0r prac arts last night.. I even slept late for that, but our teacher in practical arts was absent.. really.. some of my classmates tried to look for her because they already wanted to pass their project, but I didn't go with them because I was helping another classmate of mine with her project.. I understand her(our teacher) because she has been stressing a lot ever since.. I hope she will be present on monday.. I'm still glad because I can still make some adjustments with my pr0ject.. (I hope so..) But for the mean time, I just helped my classmate with hers(as I have mentioned), s0meone also helped us do it too.. which reminded me.. when we were making her pr0ject, with us f0oling around, we f0rmed a non-f0rmal group.. (rugby girLs.. pssSt.. ;p) wE enjoyed using the rugby, which I brought, we enjoyed it a lot because it was sort of jelly-like.. we just didn't like the smell though.. we g0t a little dizzy, when t0o much of its smell was present, while we applied it on some surface.. s0me of the guys(classmates) made fun of it.. ('basta na lang..') We just tried to enjoy our aftern0on.. that's all..

Mark n' Rad


for winning in the semi-finaLs(english el0cution).. =p


she told the story ... 9:15 PM


  1. PatriciA Joy m. RonDario.
  2. tHey calL mE 'pAt'.. f0r some, ♥p0och, patriciA.. and mucH m0re.. *blaH *blaH *blaH, but my real nick is 'triciA'..
  3. Youngest of tw0 siblings. [bro!]
  4. 14 years of age + a year older every 20th of September.
  5. Sophomore.
  6. an Ogilvian.
  7. true-bLue Atenean. [adzU]
  8. certifieD 'SPS'.
  9. twisteD.
  10. living and l0ving..
~ having her friends' company
~ the number 07
~ tHE colors yelL0w & whitE..
~ her wonderful family
~ to be aLone??
~ ♥him. do i??
~ muziC and arts..

~ fly accross the sky.
~ have my family + friends around alL the time
~ to be happy
~ to acc0mplish my duties?!
~ meEt new friends..
~ 's0mething'

"My life's been shreDded into pieces.. c0mplicateD ever since."

scr01L >>>---->>>>>>>>


marK. isHa. tarci. feL. nineL. taL. franz. anj0. j0ycE.


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